Your support helps us provide referral information, talk to families and individuals, make presentations to the community, and find new programs and resources as needed.
Make checks payable to:
Family Matters of Posey County
P. O. Box 392
Mt. Vernon, Indiana 47620
Call us to see how you can help, or let us know if you need volunteers for a program, project or event. We'll do our best to connect you with whatever you're looking for!
We have requests for household items. If you would like to donate any of these items, call to schedule a time to bring them to our office. Our biggest requests are for laundry detergent, dish liquid, bath soap (bars or body wash), shampoo, deodorant, toothbrushes and toothpaste, toilet paper, and diapers (all sizes).
It's the easy way to support Family Matters! When you shop on Amazon, a percentage of your purchase is donated to us! Use this link and shop away!
Family Matters of Posey County, Indiana, Inc.
716 Locust St. / P. O. Box 392 / Mt Vernon, IN 47620, US
Copyright © 2018 Family Matters of Posey County, Indiana, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
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